Class 3B
Welcome to Year 3B
We are a class of enthusiastic writers, artists, readers and so much more...
Join us on our learning journey and follow our progress. Below you will find content around our Learning means the World subjects and photographs of our exciting experiences.
Important dates:
Fri 14th Mar - Non-Uniform Day
Fri 28th Mar - Easter Disco
Fri 4th Apr - Break up for Easter
Mon 23rd Jun - Development Day
Fri 25th Jul - Last Day of Summer Term
Mon 28th Jul - Development Day
Tue 29th Jul - Development Day
Learning Means The World
Spring 2: our first LMTW unit will be Athens v Sparta.
“Athens v Sparta” is a unit based on Ancient Greece, with a key focus on history. Learning is centred on how the Greeks used to live, including the key aspect of mythology, especially highlighting the conflicts that characterised Ancient Greece.
Curriculum Newsletter- Athens V Sparta
Spring 1:
LMTW unit- Cry Freedom
“Cry Freedom” is a unit based around slavery. It looks at the history and origins of slavery around the world, before moving on to learning about some key figures involved in the abolition of slavery. Pupils will also learn about modern-day slavery, including child labour.
Curriculum Newsletter - Cry Freedom
LMTW unit -Lindow Man
‘Lindow Man’ is a unit with a history focus, telling the story of prehistoric Britain, from the Stone Age to the Celts.
The Boy Who Grew Dragons
In 3B we are reading The boy who grew dragons. We are using our reading toolkit to develop our reading skills. We are learning strategies to support our comprehension.
Word reading
Select and retrieve
Respond and explain
Language for effect
Themes and conventions
Spring 2
Maths Units
3.7 Addition and Subtraction
3.8 Measurement and time
Fluency focus
Times table Rockstars:
Number sense focus - Doubles and 5 timetables
Spring 1
Winchester Science Centre and Planetarium